Day 10

8th October 2016

Can't believe that this is day 10! The time goes too fast.

We got up fairly early - 7.00 am and had a nice cup of coffee in bed. We got up and stripped the beds, had our showers and gathered up all of the towels as it is all collected for washing today. We had a quick breakfast and the lovely lady arrived at the door with all of our new bed linen and towels/tea towels. We have chosen to change our own beds and clean the lodge ourselves whilst we are here to save the staff a little bit of work - they keep everything spotless, so we don't mind doing out little "bit" to help them out.

We decided to go off to the shop (Tesco's) to get our fridge and freezer stocked up again. I usually hate shopping of any sort, but I am loving exploring the different brands and foods in the shop (and booze!!), it's fantastic. All stocked up with groceries we headed to home.

We had some lovely visitors come to see us - Monika and Joseph arrived at about 2.00pm and we enjoyed some cake and coffee/tea with them and fed the deer again. Had a brilliant afternoon with them, they are just lovely and so easy going so it's good to have a chat and a laugh together. We finalized our plans for Monday and they left about 4.00 p.m.

John is watching England playing soccer (on TV), so I'm sitting writing this before making plans for tea. We'll probably turn in early tonight, as it's off to Church with Alison and Andrew in the morning.

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