Day 15

13th October 2016

Decided to have a lazy day today, so we started out with showers and brekkie at about 8.30 am. John tried to phone the Falconry place to ensure we had our booking date but was unable to get coverage on his phone. None of our phones have been working since the first day, so he was a bit frustrated and decided to try the phone box at the entrance to Silvertrees. That didn't work either and he lost 40p without being able to get through, so in desperation he decided to visit the person he knew would be able to help - Alison!!!

I waited at home and after some time, a smiling John and David arrived home with phones all working and our booking confirmed. It seems we were supposed to have the data switched on to make the phones work on roaming - ha ha, we are just so dumb when it comes to this sort of stuff!

David is enjoying driving in England. What a different experience it is for him driving along the very tiny country roads and meeting head on with tractors and trucks!! The hedges on the side of the road are the best option in these circumstances - seriously though, David drives very well and has driven at night on a number of occasions too.

We have been watching the big stags grunting and fronting up to each other on the top of the hill today. Must be the season to show off and pick their females! I did manage to hand feed one of the stags when the whole herd came down to our Lodge, he was very gentle and didn't eat the fingers off my hand. They are almost like vacuum cleaners, the way they suck up the food, it's quite funny to watch them and the fawns and does move out of the way very quickly whenever the stags are close by. They actually let us know that they were waiting for food today - making little "hungry" noises at the door.

We're having pork chops and roast potatoes/vegies for tea and will probably have an early night as tomorrow we're going off to visit Cadbury World in Bournville. I'm sure we'll come home loaded up with lots of goodies, it should be delicious. We are meeting Samuel and Alice for the tour, so we'll have good company as well. More on this tomorrow.

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