Day 23

21st October 2016

Today we are having visitors. We waited with anticipation for their arrival at the gate, but alas, John's phone died as we were trying to retrieve a voice mail. John hopped into the car (on suspicion that they had arrived) and went down to the "boom" gate and picked up our visitors.

John arrived back with Uncle John and Jackie.

We started talking and it was like a dam had burst...there was no stopping us as we went from subject to subject. We enjoyed a light lunch of sandwiches and sausage rolls and then decided to feed the multitude of deer that had arrived at our lodge. We had a great time today feeding the deer by hand and Uncle John enjoyed it immensely and was able to give the hungry deer handfuls of pellets which were quickly sucked out of his hand.

John had a conversation with Uncle John and Jackie that he really felt that he needed to have regarding the actual truth and facts and cover-ups of the rail accident that killed his family. Uncle John was amazed at the articles and information that we had been able to find and it was the most cathartic conversation that has probably brought about closure for John (and Uncle John) that was needed. It was emotional and informational at the same time.

We talked about and found out so much that Uncle John was able to fill us in on regarding family, it was wonderful being able to share so many fantastic memories. We now have photos that we have never seen before and that will be forever treasured in the Stretch family home in Australia...

Thank you Jackie for taking the time to bring Uncle John all this way to see us, it has been a memorable and wonderful day that we shall never forget.

Then came the time when we had to say goodbye. This is the part that we had all been dreading, but we knew it had come around as it was starting to get dark. David and I said our goodbyes at the Lodge, but John was able to take Uncle John and Jackie back to their car in the car park and I'm sure it was a tearful farewell. We will never be too far apart, as we will always be able to stay in touch with our computers on Skype. Thank goodness our world has become a little bit smaller with this wonderful technology. Safe travels back to Ireland tomorrow Jackie, love you both so much.

Now we get back to mundaneness again and I'm off to prepare dinner. See you tomorrow

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