Day 28

26th October 2016

Once again we have been blessed with beautiful weather. There was a spray of rain across the hillside early this morning, but it has brightened up to be a lovely, crisp day.

After breakfast, John and David went off in the car to get the hire car detailed and filled up ready to go back tomorrow. It really gives you the hint when we are getting the car ready to go back, that our holiday is slowly ending. While they were gone, the Television repair people came in and replaced the television in the second bedroom as the picture had gone on it. How lucky are we?? A television in every room - not that we have felt the need to watch TV, with the panoramic view of our surrounds, quite frankly, who needs TV??

We have started to pack a few things and sort out our paperwork for home. We are doing this with such mixed emotions - we are looking forward to our own beds, seeing the budgies and getting back into our own routines, but we don't want to leave this beautiful place and we are finding it hard to even imagine how we must say goodbye, NO, we will NOT say goodbye, just farewell for a while!

We made hamburgers for lunch, very yummy and we are madly eating up all the chocolates and sweets that we bought from Cadbury World (what a hardship!) and when David keeps buying things at the shop, all very good for the waistline and the diabetes no doubt. We have all been really well though, despite eating so much sweet stuff, so can't complain.

The deer are here, so we've been out to feed the herd. There were heaps of them today (along with the midgies) and we were graced with the presence of the big daddy stag. He came to see us on the first day or so that we were here, but while we have been lucky to feed quite a few of the bigger stags, the big daddy of them all usually just stands on the hill opposite bellowing. He came right up to us and David filmed him eating, belching and then bellowing at his harem of does. He has stayed around our lodge for quite some time, grooming his antlers with the stinging nettles and rubbing his head in the trees, but the people from the next van and lodge have arrived home and while the deer have gone to them to be fed again, Big Daddy has now taken off up the hill again, bellowing all the way. Powerful stuff! The tiny faces of the baby fawns just melt your heart - meep, meep! We also have little robins (Robin Redbreast) that go bob, bob, bobbing along the patio outside too - we have fed them with tiny bits of bread, but mostly they pick up the bits of food left over from the deer. It is very easy to be poetic with all this going on around us - ha ha!

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