Day 8

6th October 2016

After a nice breakfast of eggs on toast with orange juice and coffee, John and David went off to get some diesel fuel for the car and check the tyres, and then popped into Tescos for a top up on some food items.

We set off for Alisons house at about 11.25 am as we were going to see Samuel fly into Tatenhill Airfield. It was quite cold and windy when we got there, but the day was fairly clear. Alison ordered us some bacon sandwiches for when Samuel arrived and we watched the skies for his arrival. It was very exciting to see him come into view and then land and it was fantastic to finally meet him.

After we ate our bacon sandwiches and had coffee/tea, Samuel asked David if he would like to go in the plane while he taxied to where he had to park the plane for the night - David eagerly accepted the offer and enjoyed an "almost" flight in the RAF plane from Brize Norton - very exciting!!!

We left Alison at her home and with Samuel, we drove home to Silvertrees so that he could see where we are staying. Samuel liked our "lodgings" very much and we enjoyed a lovely afternoon together, talking non-stop until Andrew arrived to pick Samuel up.

We cooked a lovely dinner of pork chops, roasted baby potatoes and green vegies, and then settled in for the night with the fire on. Went to bed at about 10.45 p.m.

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